Italian Immigration: a Desk to help Foreigners to integrate

Associazione Integrazione Migranti

Italian Immigration: a Desk to help Foreigners to integrate

Maggio 15, 2023 News Sportello Stranieri 0
Italian Immigration: a Desk to help Foreigners to integrate ARDEA Rimini Cattolica Riccione Forli Cesena Cesenatico Pesaro Fano Urbino Ravenna

Italian Immigration: a Desk to help Foreigners to integrate

We need facts and concreteness to help immigrant Foreigners and ensure that with proper integration they are not a problem. ARDEA Italia, with its Foreign Help Desk, offers Immigrants in Italy everything they may need.

With a highly specialized Team and the possibility of interacting online, ARDEA in Italy assists immigrants in the procedures of application or renewal of residence permits and clearances to family reunification. It also provides information and advice to EU citizens who want to stay regularly in our territory.

 It also assists foreign citizens in the transmission of requests. And it supports the employer to prepare the documentation that will have to present, once convened to the Sportello Unico, in order to obtain the release of the authorization to the job.

 ARDEA assists foreigners in the instances of:

  • issue of a residence permit,
  • renewal of the residence permit,
  • issue of a long-term residence permit,
  • family reunification,
  • requests for clearance of employment within the decree flows.

For these activities, the Sportello Stranieri ARDEA provides for the electronic submission of applications for clearance to family reunification on behalf of the foreigner, carrying out an activity of information and advice on the verification of compliance with the requirements and the preparation of the necessary documentation.

ARDEA shall inform applicants of all steps of the procedure. And in case of denial of applications, he assists them in administrative and judicial redress.

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Ardea Italia

ARDEA è un’Associazione di Integrazione Sociale senza scopo di lucro, apartitica e apolitica. Iscritta all’Albo Associazioni di Promozione Sociale e riconosciuta da Provincia e Regione, è attiva dal 2011. 

La meta che si prefigge è la costruzione di una realtà sociale in cui le diversità si compongano armonicamente in unità. E mira a tale finalità operando tramite personale specializzato e prestazioni non occasionali di volontariato.

L’Associazione persegue, su tutti, l’obiettivo di promuovere la crescita integrale dei migranti, nel rispetto dei loro valori culturali e religiosi.

L’Associazione di Promozione Sociale ARDEA si attiene ai seguenti principi: 

  • assenza del fine del lucro;
  • democraticità della struttura;
  • elettività;
  • gratuità delle cariche associative;
  • gratuità delle prestazioni fornite dagli aderenti i quali svolgono la propria attività in modo personale e spontaneo.

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